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  • Bento Donates: Bento’s Blood Helps an Anemic Dog

    It’s true — dogs can donate blood, too! Learn how this amazing pup turned into a blood donor pro, lending a paw to animals in need.

    Bento and his human companion, Mark.
  • Tips for Cold Weather Adventures and First Aid for Dogs

    There is nothing quite like watching your best friend bounding through fresh snow beside you, or the thrill of being pulled along on Nordic skis by a happy hound. Ruffwear Ambassador & Veterinarian Bronwyn Fullagar offers a few safety considerations for powder hounds, so that you can have a howling good time without having to end the day at the veterinary clinic! 

    Two humans ski alongside their dogs who are wearing Ruffwear Jackets
  • Bailing Off Our First Thru Hike

    Follow along with Julianne and dog Indy,  three year old Pyrenees mix, as they attempt to hike 567 miles on the Colorado Trail (CT). After years of backpacking together and training all winter, Julianne was confident they could walk from Denver to Durango, but Colorado's weather had other plans.

    A woman stands with her dog in the mountains of Colorado.
  • Finding Purpose on the Road with a Three-Legged Dog

    Living through the highs and lows of life on the road while witnessing the joys and heartbreak of helping others through amputation recovery and cancer care isn’t easy. Along the way, Jim and Rene do their best to stay resilient by doing what comes naturally to any dog: focusing on the here and now.

    Rene and Jim stand with dog Jerry wearing dog backpack.
  • Dog Paw Anatomy: Parts of a Dog’s Paw

    This month, we're covering all things paws and boots, so to "kick off" the month, we thought we'd start with the basic anatomy of a dog paw.

    Dog Paw Anatomy: Parts of a Dog’s Paw