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Let's All Doo-Doo Our Part

The big problem (and simple solution) that inspired the Pack Out Bag™

We’ve all seen it. Probably stepped in it. Maybe even watched our dogs roll in it. And as unpleasant as those experiences are, they’re the least of our concerns. Dog poop impacts wildlife and their habitats. And when left behind, it can affect the water supply and pollute our rivers, lakes, and waterways.

It’s a big problem. And it’s a big bummer to see trails littered with poop – or even long-forgotten poop bags that never made it to the can.

As our fellow trail runners, mountain bikers, and all-around explore-with-our-dog-ers, we know you, too, are passionate about keeping our trails and waterways clean.

That’s the inspiration behind the Pack Out Bag – a convenient solution for carrying full pick-up bags (read: dog poop) hands-free between drop points.

We hope this video brings awareness to the problem and helps us all get excited about being good stewards of our environment.

Fun facts about the Pack Out Bag™ video:

  • The stars of the video are Colin and his dog, JoJo. Colin is the actual Ruffwear Product Designer for the new Pack Out Bag.
  • The large, overkill backpack version of the Pack Out Bag has affectionately become known around the office as the “Pack Daddy”. Shout out to our designers and Ruffwear Vietnam team that crafted it with love – and quite a bit of laughter.
Vietnam team members holding sketches of the pack out bag.
  • The Pack Daddy holds roughly 26 bags of medium-sized poops. The Pack Out Bag holds a much more reasonable amount: 2-3 bags in the medium, and 3-4 in the large.
  • The Pack Daddy is one-of-a-kind and not available for purchase. Keep an eye out, though – we’ll be bringing it along on our trail clean-up days, so you just might see it around.
  • No plastic bags or poop were harmed in the making of this video. We used rocks and dirt from around the HQ to simulate full pick-up bags, and then emptied the bags for re-use by employees post-production.
Pack Out Bag studio image.

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